LDAP authentication in YCQL

This page documents the preview version (v2.23). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

The LDAP authentication method is similar to the password method, except that it uses LDAP to verify the password. Therefore, before LDAP can be used for authentication, the user must already exist in the database (and have appropriate permissions).

LDAP Authentication for YCQL can be enabled in the YugabyteDB cluster by setting the LDAP configuration with a set of TServer gflags. YugabyteDB supports two modes for LDAP authentication for YCQL (described in detail below):

  • simple-bind mode
  • search+bind mode

A prerequisite to using LDAP for YCQL is that the use_cassandra_authentication flag should be set to true. A set of configuration gflags common to both modes are -

T-Server Gflag name Default value Description
ycql_use_ldap false Enable LDAP for YCQL
ycql_ldap_users_to_skip_csv (empty) Comma-separated list of users that are authenticated via the local password mechanism even if ycql_use_ldap is true.
ycql_ldap_server (empty) LDAP server endpoint of the form scheme://ip:port. Scheme can be ldap (or) ldaps.
ycql_ldap_tls false (Not yet supported) Connect to LDAP server using TLS encryption

Simple Bind Mode

In simple-bind mode, YB-TServer will bind to the Distinguished Name ("DN") constructed with "prefix username suffix" format. Here is an example for Simple bind mode:

--use_cassandra_authentication=true --ycql_use_ldap=true --ycql_ldap_server=ldap://ldap.yugabyte.com:389 --ycql_ldap_user_prefix=uid= --ycql_ldap_user_suffix=, ou=DBAs, dc=example, dc=com --ycql_ldap_users_to_skip_csv=cassandra


The configuration specific to simple bind mode.

T-Server Gflag name Default value Description
ycql_ldap_user_prefix (empty) String to prepend to the user name when forming the DN for binding to the LDAP server
ycql_ldap_user_suffix (empty) String to append to the user name when forming the DN for binding to the LDAP server

Search + Bind Mode

In Search + Bind mode, YB-Tserver will bind to the LDAP directory with a fixed username and password, specified with ycql_ldap_bind_dn and ycql_ldap_bind_passwd, and performs a search for the user trying to log in to the database. This mode is commonly used by LDAP authentication schemes in other software.

For Searching the LDAP directory if no fixed username and password is configured at YB-TServer, an anonymous bind will be attempted to the directory. The search will be performed over the subtree at ycql_ldap_base_dn, and will try to do an exact match of the attribute specified in ycql_ldap_search_attribute. After the user has been found in this search, the server disconnects and re-binds to the directory as this user, using the password specified by the client, to verify that the login is correct.

Here is an example for search + bind mode:

--use_cassandra_authentication=true --ycql_use_ldap=true --ycql_ldap_server=ldap://ldap.yugabyte.com:389 --ycql_ldap_base_dn="dc=yugabyte, dc=com" --ycql_ldap_bind_dn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org" --ycql_ldap_bind_passwd=admin --ycql_ldap_search_attribute=uid


The configurations supported for search + bind mode.

T-Server Gflag name Default value Description
ycql_ldap_base_dn (empty) Base directory to begin the user name search
ycql_ldap_bind_dn (empty) Username to perform the initial search when doing search + bind authentication
ycql_ldap_bind_passwd (empty) Password for the username being used to perform the initial search when doing search + bind authentication
ycql_ldap_search_attribute uid attribute Attribute to match against the username in the search when doing search + bind authentication. If no attribute is specified, the uid attribute is used.
ycql_ldap_search_filter (empty) Search filter to use when doing search + bind authentication


To use LDAP password authentication on a new YugabyteDB cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Use TServer gflags to enable LDAP authentication on YB-TServer in simple bind mode. Use the below configuration to start a YugabyteDB cluster.

    --use_cassandra_authentication=true --ycql_use_ldap=true --ycql_ldap_server=ldap://ldap.forumsys.com:389 --ycql_ldap_user_prefix=uid= --ycql_ldap_user_suffix=, dc=example, dc=com --ycql_ldap_users_to_skip_csv=cassandra


    In the above sample configuration, we are using an online LDAP test server for setting up the LDAP authentication with YugabyteDB.

    The --ycql_ldap_users_to_skip_csv=cassandra gflag allows access to the user cassandra with password authentication. This allows the administrator to log in for setting up the roles (and permissions) for the LDAP users.

  2. Start the YugabyteDB cluster.

  3. Open the YCQL shell (ycqlsh), specifying the cassandra user and prompting for the password.

    $ ./ycqlsh -u cassandra

    When prompted for the password, enter cassandra (default password of cassandra user). You should be able to log in and see a response similar to the following:

    Connected to local cluster at
    [ycqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 3.9-SNAPSHOT | CQL spec 3.4.2 | Native protocol v4]
    Use HELP for help.
  4. Configure database role(s) for the LDAP user(s).

    We are creating a ROLE for username riemann supported by the test LDAP server.

    cassandra@ycqlsh> create role riemann with login=true;
  5. Connect using LDAP authentication.

    Connect ycqlsh using the riemann LDAP user and password specified in the Online LDAP Test Server page.

    $ ./ycqlsh -u riemann
    Connected to local cluster at
    [ycqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 3.9-SNAPSHOT | CQL spec 3.4.2 | Native protocol v4]
    Use HELP for help.